Sunday, January 27, 2008

Goodbye Portland!

Gold 1 has now officially ended our time in beautiful Portland, Oregon. We are currently in Sacramento, CA for transition week and we will be departing for New Orleans, LA on Feb. 6th.
Here are some final pictures from Oregon...

---> The Last of Oregon

--->Trip to the Oregon Coast (Ashley, Kathleen, Sarah, Amanda, Amanda)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Our Last Portland Update

Here are more team pictures...sorry for the slow updates, lately we've had extremely poor internet service.

Phase 1 Work & Such

Waterfalls & Mt. Hood

Malai announced where our next project is going to be…St. Bernard’s Parrish in New Orleans, Louisiana!We will be working with the St. Bernard volunteer group building houses. Instead of learning the basics about different kinds of construction (like we are doing now), we will become trained/skilled experts in a certain area and/or we will individually be the supervisor of a worksite and lead volunteers. Gold 6 is currently working on that project…they said we will have someone become an expert electrician and another team member will be the trained plumber.

On Friday Gold 1 will drive back down to Sacramento for transition week. We will fly out of Sacramento on Feb. 6th to go to New Orleans. Yes, we will just miss Mardi Gras…but it will still be going on the week we arrive!
The other day some of us went to Mt. Hood to go sledding. We checked out multiple places on the mountain and had a LOT of snowball fights; there was SO much snow. The place we wanted to snow-tube at was closed but we could still use their hills. Sleds were too expensive to purchase so we made sleds out of cardboard and trash bags…yay! When our sleds disintegrated, we just used our bodies/parkas/raincoats.

This weekend some of us went to the ocean and some went to Seattle! We saw the famous Haystack rock, drove up the coast to Astoria and then took the scenic highway through Washington back to Portland.

Work has been going great! We have spent the last week or so putting finishing touches on the Wasco duplex…it is almost complete! More pictures coming soon!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well, we all had a great holiday break and now we are back to work in Portland! We have been busy working on multiple projects at multiple houses and storage areas. Last week we went to the Columbia River Gorge and Multnomah Falls. Some of us also took a trip to Fort Vancouver. We don't know where we are going for our Phase 2 project...but we will know soon!
-The links on the right work again
-Multnomah/Fort Vancouver pictures coming soon!